

This week i just received Versatile Blogger Award, given by my lovely fellow blogger, Roxanne from Awkward Turtle. I sincerely thanks to her, an amazing blogger indeed <3
So. what's this award is all about?Versatile blogger award is given for the blogger who considered has good quality style of writing and overall the quality and uniqueness of their blog in the eyes the reader.Versatile Blogger Award rules ought the nominee to share 7 facts about their self and nominate another 15 bloggers who they think deserve to receive the awards.So here's I'm gonna share another facts about me as you can read some of it, previously in my Liebster Award post !

☆。、::。.::・’ 7 FACTS ABOUT ME ’・::.。::、。☆

. I have this drama addiction of itazura na kiss series in any version and my most favorite is the Taiwanese version,Been re-watch over and over but never once ,get sick with the plot.

.  I obsessed over beautiful high building and sky crapper. i  don't know since when i have this kind of interest in building and architecture thingy. People around me always mistaken me as a interior graduate instead  graphic designer,my real degree, whenever they discover my obsession lol

. I don't know how to ride a  bike. this is just SAD. i learned how to ride a bike at the age of 12 , and successfully can ride afterward but since i rarely ride them again,now I'm total forgot how to keep my balance and handle the steer.so yeah ;___:

. I've just got my eyes lasik surgery last year. It was -7 on left and -5.5 on right eye.I started wear spectacles at the age of 6 and changed into contact lens at 15 until last year. After considering about the many risk of wearing contacts,also the fact that my minus keep increased year by year, I finally decided to give my eyes a lasik treatment at Gleaneagles Hospital,Sg. It's all only by God grace that the surgery is successfully work,i don't feel any pain and side effects at all.So happy that now i can see clearly with my bare eyes  ^__^

. I never know how it feels to have a grandpa.Sound pathetic but yeah reality speaks different.Both grandpa from  my maternal and fraternal side has been passed away before i was born.So I'll just ask my mom to tell about them whenever i miss them.Truly,treasure your elders when they're still by your side because you know ,there may some people like me who never feel to have them :')

. I always prefer  to wear skirt over  trouser/pants.Skirt just growing on me especially those which has pretty floral pattern upon it.haha you can tell ,I'm a feminine person.

. I am a dog person and plan to pet a white deer-head mini chihuahua soon!

☆。、::。.::・’THE NOMINEES’・::.。::、。☆
1.Rae Megan // Siren Seven
2.Kiyomi // Kokorosasa
3.Dolly // Sincerely Dolly
4.Lotte // Lotte's Beauty Box
5.Sachiko // Taskin Illusion
6.Yapo //  Yaporu
8.Kurumi // Kurumi
9.Jeong // Dainty Potato
10.Sabina // Walking Freckle
11.Jenny // JennySuperGirl
12.Jhem // Jhem Says
13.Fräulein Schnee // Berries in the Snow
14.Suzy.Z //  Pret-Tea
15.Tulip Love // Kawaii Beauty Corner

I suggest all of you to check out the nominees blog mentioned above because all of them are really competent bloggers with beautiful site and inspiring post! 

Happy to share little bit facts about me,I'm also curious and want to get know more about you guys Do you perhaps have the same facts of your own like me? Feel free to share some about yourself in the comment section below ^_^  wish we can get closer after this!

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16 komentar

  1. I don't know how to ride bike too, I've never grown up with both my grandpas and I'm a dog lover too. :) Congrats on the award~ Btw, I followed you on bloglovin' care to follow me too?

    1. woo,we got 3 similarities indeed !thank you jizni,followed u back alrd

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me! <333 I love all of your facts~ I like wearing skirts over my pants, too and floral patterned skirts are so pretty ^^
    ~Kiyomi <3

    1. my pleasure ^^
      yeah,for instance,pretty flower patterned skirts like liz lisa is the one that i can't resist the most!

  3. Thanks a lot for nominating me!! :) Makes me so happy~~ I will make this post as fast as I can!
    Anyway, I love the Japanese version of Itazura Na Kiss!! :) Irie-Kun ♥
    Well, it's so so sad to hear that you've never met your granddads :/ I've never met them, too >< Only my grandma is left and I barely see her, because she lives far away.... So I agree with you! We should respect and love our elders!

    1. my pleasure jenny,you deserve this award ,i would gladly read yours too :)
      jap version is my second best favourite,and now im currently watching the second season of it!
      Irie-kun can be such a cold but sweet in the same time ;))

  4. First of all thanks so much for nominating me! I really appreciate it <3
    It's so nice to know more about you~ I can relate to 1-3!!!
    I love the Taiwanese version of ISWAK I used to ship them so hard haha its my fave also!
    I am also obsessed with buildings and stuff, whenever i go to a big city i like to take pictures of them and also the skyline! i want to go to Hong Kong someday and take lots of pics huhu and as for the bike, I taught myself how to ride a bike when i was 10, succesfully did so in one day and but I crashed into a cactus -_-
    I hope to get to know you more and be friends and read more of your blog <3

    1. you're welcome,Rae! i ship them very hard too ,since its the best drama i've ever watch!haha!
      Hong kong is definitely great destination,i ve been there 2 times,but never get enough,that city also got attractive buildings to capture ! hope you can visit them someday!

  5. Thanks for the nomination :) Really appreciate it ^^

    1. you're welcome,lotte,cant wait to read yours :)

  6. Thank you for the nomination!
    I like wearing skirts more than pants, can't wait for the warmer weather so I can start :)

  7. Thanks for the nomination, Ann :) Your blog is lovely too!

  8. Thank you for the nomination haha and btw I dont know how to ride a bike too!!
    I usually suck at giving facts about myself but I will try :D :D

    1. hehehe.no worries.can't wait to read yours,yapo :D
